Monday, May 26, 2008

Guess what ELSE we found...

We had to travel to Windhoek (the capital city of Namibia) for a language-acquisition course that was required for us (which will help us as we learn Afrikaans, and greetings in the local languages), and on our way back to Arandis today we saw this scene...

I hope you can see what the picture is of, but in case you can't tell - we saw some giraffe.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Cool! All we've been seeing in Virginia are deer and lizzards. Bleh. :( Which I'm not sure if the lizzards are supposed to be here but oh well. I didn't know they lived in VA until now... anyway, missing ya'll! Goie mora! or madag! or whatever time of the day it is! (BTW, how do you say "goodbye" in Afrikaans? Because I am very curious...)
-the one and only B Bob

Steve and Karrie said...

Brianna (B Bob), the formal way of saying goodbye is "totsiens", pronounced "toot-scenes".

Another way I have learned to see people off is "lekker dag", which means "have a nice day". It's pronounced "leh-kur dahg" (the 'g' in Afrikaans makes that throat-clearing h-sound, much like in the word "madag" that Kailey taught you).

Anonymous said...

Okay! Thanks! ;)


Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Tori will be glad to know that you didn't see any man-eating lions.

germaine said...

This must be at the game farm on the right-hand side of the road heading back towards Okahandja... nice shot!!

I wouldn't worry about lion in that area... leopard maybe... but not lion.

With His love ~G

Steve and Karrie said...

germaine - probably so. Man, if I saw some lions out there I wouldn't have stopped! :-)

I look forward to having some time to head up to Etosha. I suspect that will be a blast. I'll be looking for the cats there...