Monday, April 23, 2007

Side Note - April 2007 - Listen and Trust

Have you had the chance to hear from God in a way that is clear and decisive? I have spoken with many a believer who would say "no" to that question. Though the Word of God says that the sheep know the shepherds voice (paraphrased from John 10: 1-4), I also know that many true believers are confused as to how to hear from God. Usually, unless an angel manifests and speaks to someone, we tend to wander without direction, saying things like "if only I knew what God wanted out of my life" and "I really want to (fill in the blank) but I don't know if God wants me to".

That said, there is nothing more freeing than getting insight into the purpose for which you were designed and crafted by God. Even more freeing is when you realize that if you are truly surrendered to God, that the Holy Spirit will act as your guide. No need to feel timid and insecure - afraid to take a step for fear that you will somehow bypass God's will. See Jonah: Old Testament. Make your plans, and God will direct your steps (Proverbs 16:9).

In the recent weeks Karrie and I have been praying all the more that God's plans for us in Namibia would become clearer and more defined. We believe it important to be able to answer people's questions about what we will be doing with the orphaned and traumatized children there. While there have been times in the past where God has chosen not to explain His intentions, He has been loud and clear recently. Without a doubt, the voice of God has spoken, and the Word we have received from Him is "trust me". Actually, the way it sounded to me was, "Steve - when you get as smart as Me, then you can question what I'm doing". That's just how the Lord speaks to me. I laughed in joy, because God knows how to keep me focused. I'm grateful for that.

Anyhow... "Trust me"... simple and yet profound. This is certainly not a new concept for us, but it seems that the words have new meaning each time we hear them. We KNOW God's will for us because we listen to His voice and have become familiar with the manner and method of His speech. We DO His will, regardless of circumstances, because we trust Him.

Team -> do you trust Him? Do you know what to trust Him for? If there's anyway that we can pray with you on this issue - or any other issue for that matter - please let us know. Our email address is

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